GB stands for Gigabits and TB for Terabits, which is a way of measuring bandwidth or the volume of data that XCELIT’s Security Operations Center as a Service (SOCaaS) solution is analysing every month.
As a general rule the more systems and users you have, or employees using systems, the higher the volume of Gigabits you would be sending across your organisation and the larger the volume XCELIT should be scanning.
A business of 600 employees may use 250GB of data. However, the size of an organisation is not the best indicator as usage can be dependent on industry, for example a technology business will likely send more Gigabits than a medical practice for financial firm. However over 90% of all clients globally are on the smallest 250 GB plan with only large corporates, Governments and military using much larger plans.
Because you are paying per volume of data e.g., 250GB per month, XCELIT can work with you to limit which items in your network are included in your Cyber Security plan to manage cost.
XCELIT’s Security Operations Center as a Service (SOCaaS) solution allows you to filter which assets, and what information you gather and retain, which is determined in a scoping exercise.
It is important to understand that excluding components does introduce risk but there are logical savings that can be made. For example, it makes complete sense to monitor all activity on a Firewall. However, it would make no sense monitoring network switches as they produce a lot of noise (logs) and don’t impact the environment in regards to security monitoring.
Generally speaking, data usage will be consistent month to month, however, storage tiers increase dynamically, so as your business need and data grows, your plan is scalable to cover your Cyber Security needs.
Having scalable storage tiers also means that if you wish XCELIT can start with a small area of the network environment, setup the required filters / configuration and other needs to implement your plan and then slowly bring more parts of the business into the Security Operations Center as a Service (SOCaaS) monitoring solution. This allows XCELIT and you (our customer) to effectively control the growth of data retention, and pin right down into exactly what is needed to monitor the network environment and eliminate white noise.
Ultimately saving you money.